Make learning fun with our educational game development services

Educational Game

Since the video games have invented, educational game developers have developed numerous games which are classified in different genres such as educational games, adventure games, action games, survival games, puzzle games and role-playing games. Every video game has its effect like while playing educational games, players learn mastery mindset that is very much helpful in learning.

Incepted in 2011, Juego Studios is offering services for education game development studio for different genres ranging from action to educational games. In the last six years, our educational game developers have served many educational games with some of them receiving awards.

Math Me If You Can

Math Me If You Can is a quiz based game consists of 16 topics with a total number of 150 levels. The game is filled with different types of mathematical questions filled with fun.

Players can also play the game with their friends and can also share into social networking sites. This game adds the fun in math and makes the player addicted to the game that helps to build their IQ level.


This educational game design combines classic nursery rhymes and educational learning game in one app. Developed with Cocos2d-x, the game consists of three audiobooks animated with cartoons and a cute game named Game: UX Spec: The Tree. The Educational game is generally for kids where a player can personalize a tree by adding an object from inventory. The player needs to launch bubble to find the object. The game teaches names of different objects with a fun-filled gameplay. The audiobook combines three stories Henny Penny, The Hare and the Tortoise and The Enormous Turnip. The story teaches the kids the basic morality of the life in an interesting way.

The game is available in three different languages; English, French and Icelandic. Importantly, Hopster has also been featured by Apple store. One of the top educational game development companies in the USA chooses Juego Studios to build this game.

Sudoku Sensation

Developed with HTML5, WebGL, and JavaScript, Sudoku Sensation is a compelling puzzle game. As mathematics lovers are crazy about Sudoku, this game offers some wonderful experience with free of cost. The game contains different hard levels and 100 numbers of quality puzzles. Importantly, the game also includes tutorial videos to help the players in order to solve the puzzle. While playing the puzzles, players will also be allowed to receive some AI based hints for the help.

Recent Educational Apps & Games

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android / cocos2dx / educational / ios / kids learning

hopster sensory game

Kids learning, Educational

cocos2dx / educational / kids learning / web

old macdonald game

Kids learning, Educational

android / cocos2dx / educational / ios

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